Fee Structure

The Law Office of Janice A. Flynn charges fair and transparent fees on a flat fee basis set according to the complexity of the matter and the level of the lawyer’s expertise.


Good advice is a bridge to where you want to be.

Janice Flynn will speaks initially to a potential client over the phone to identify the issue and advise whether she is able to assist with the matter. If she is able to assist with the matter she will ask that you schedule a time to meet for a consultation to discuss your individual circumstances and goals in much greater detail.

It is impossible and in some cases irresponsible to give good legal advice over the phone without knowing the full facts involved. Once she has a better idea of the situation she can provide a full assessment and advice, including the likelihood of success and to ensure that you understand the process and the work, timings and costs involved.

Consultation Fee

A fee is charged for a consultation to cover the time involved and the advice provided. At the consultation she can then indicate what the total legal fee for her legal services to assist with the matter will be after the initial consultation. In general, she will credit the consultation fee to the total legal fee if the client proceeds with her legal services within six months of the consultation.

The Law Office of Janice A. Flynn has the expertise and experience to give you a clear indication from the outset of the work and expense involved with handling your case. Particularly in this financial climate is is vitally important for a client to be advised of any costs or change in fees as soon as possible.

If you need help with a US visa and nationality law issue, please contact Janice Flynn about your matter at +44 (0)20 3286 9491.